Mihail Dimitrovski and Zlate Dodevski at Informatijada.


April 08, 2014


Informatijada (A wordplay consisted of the words ‘information’, as in information technology and ‘Olympics’, similar to Hackathon) was a four-day international event for students which took place at Hotel Desaret in Ohrid, from the 8th through the 12th of October in 2014. The Infromatijada was an educational event, with a competitive part with the aim to promote innovation and innovativeness in students.

The participants had the opportunity to improve their skills, learn new things, brainstorm ideas and work on their realization. Competitions were held in three categories: programming, sports, and cyber games. Competitors had a chance to compete and prove their worth in each of the categories, but also make new friends and have fun.


One App To Rule Them All

IBORN organized and supported the workshop called ‘One App To Rule Them All’. The aim of the workshop was to assist participants in turning their ideas into hybrid mobile applications in an interesting and enjoyable way. Our team members Igor Stamatovski, Mihail Dimitrovski, Zlate Dodevski and Marija Alagjozovska were mentoring the participants and helped them develop some great applications. At the workshop we covered the following topics/sessions:


Brainstorming initial ideas for the projects and discussion between participants and mentors

Designing the data model and programming the back-end side of the application

Learning how to access third-party public web services or build own custom RESTful API

Storing and retrieving large data sets on a mobile application

Setting up an Ionic starter project in 5 minutes

Developing hybrid mobile applications by using modern web technologies


The following technologies were used:


Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 


Ionic Framework