
How to fix spaghetti code

Sofija Pavlovska
October 02, 2024

Imagine this: You're a CTO leading a team of developers through a critical project. The deadline is looming, but progress is painfully slow. Every bug fix seems to unravel another thread of confusion in the code. The team is struggling to scale your platform due to the disorganized and inconsistent codebase that has accumulated over years of development. The once simple project has turned into a convoluted mess, and it feels like you're playing a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. 

Cutting through the tangle

Keeping your codebase clean and efficient is critical for any successful project. Yet, too often, teams end up with spaghetti code - a tangled mess that makes even simple changes feel like a nightmare. And now, you must be asking yourself - how do we know this? Many of our clients came to us when their projects were already struggling with the same problem. They'd hit a point where adding new features or fixing bugs was a slow, painful process. The code had become so complex and disorganized that every change risked breaking something else. We’ve helped them untangle that mess, and we’ve learned a lot in the process.

Through the implementation of targeted practices to clean up their code and streamline development, we’ve helped these teams overcome their challenges. We understand how spaghetti code can halt innovation, and we’ve seen how effective strategies can bring clarity back to the process. In this blog post, we’ll outline five of our practical ways to fix spaghetti code, since our teams are devoted to remaining focused and efficient as our clients scale.

Spaghetti code doesn’t happen overnight

Spaghetti code creeps in little by little, but here’s how it usually starts, since several factors can contribute:

  • Lack of planning

Jumping into the coding without a clear plan leads to quick fixes that pile up over time. Developers might be assigned to build a feature without fully understanding how it fits into the overall architecture. To meet deadlines, they rush through the implementation, and the result is code that works but isn’t structured with long-term scalability in mind. Later, when the team tries to modify or expand this feature, they find themselves dealing with disorganized code, leading to increased time and effort for what should be simple changes.

  • Inconsistent coding practices

When different engineers follow their own coding styles, things get confusing fast. One developer prefers using long, descriptive variable names while another opts for short, cryptic ones. Different engineers might also have varying preferences for indentation or formatting styles. Over time, these inconsistencies accumulate, making the codebase harder to maintain. New team members struggle to navigate the code, slowing down productivity as they first need to understand the mix of approaches before implementing any changes.

  • Neglecting technical debt 

We all know those quick fixes. They seem harmless until they build up and slow everything down. The team may implement a quick workaround to address a bug or add a feature, planning to come back and fix it later. However, those “temporary” fixes often remain in the code for much longer than intended. As more patches are applied on top of each other, the codebase becomes increasingly fragile. Over time, it becomes difficult to modify or even debug parts of the system without triggering other issues, causing delays and frustration across the team.

  • Poor Communication

If teams aren’t on the same page, the code starts to reflect that - disjointed and hard to follow. For instance, imagine a scenario where multiple developers work on a feature without coordinating their efforts. The result could be a jumbled mess of code that needs coherence, making it challenging to understand how different components interact.


A rubber duck in use by a developer to aid debugging


So, how do you avoid spaghetti code?

Spaghetti code doesn’t just slow things down - it makes everything harder. Engineers waste time trying to figure out what the code does instead of building new features. Team productivity takes a hit, and scaling becomes impossible. The more complex the code gets, the more costly it is to maintain.

  1. Refactor regularly

Refactoring is key. It’s like decluttering your desk - you have to do it regularly to avoid a big mess. Take time to improve the code without changing what it does. You’ll find that making small improvements now saves you a lot of headaches later.

Set aside specific time for refactoring during your sprint cycles. Start with the most fragile parts of the code - those areas that tend to break or change frequently.

  1. Modular architecture

Think of your software like a well-designed building. Just as a building is made up of distinct rooms and sections - each serving its own purpose - modular architecture breaks your code into smaller, independent pieces (modules). This design allows for easier management and updates without affecting the entire structure. As your software grows over time, keeping things organized becomes essential.

For example, consider a company whose system operated like a single, sprawling warehouse - everything was tightly packed into one massive space. By shifting to a modular approach, their system can be transformed into a multi-story building, where each floor represents a different module. This change allowed for the independent scaling of individual components, enabling the team to expand or modify specific areas without risking disruption to the entire system.

  1. Set clear coding standards

Imagine if every contractor on a construction site followed their own set of blueprints. That’s what inconsistent coding feels like-chaotic and confusing. To avoid this, it’s essential to establish clear coding standards that everyone on your team adheres to. Just as a well-constructed building relies on a unified set of plans, your codebase benefits from consistent guidelines.

Utilizing tools that help enforce these standards ensures that no matter who writes the code, it maintains a cohesive structure. This consistency is not just about making the code aesthetically pleasing; it’s about creating a solid foundation that makes it understandable for the next developer who needs to navigate or modify it. In this way, you build a resilient codebase that can withstand the test of time.

  1. Automate with CI/CD

Think of automation as the foundation of a sturdy building. When you implement automated tests and continuous integration (CI/CD), you create a solid base that catches issues early, preventing them from snowballing into larger problems. Just as a building inspector ensures that each component meets safety standards before construction continues, CI/CD automatically tests every code change. This process ensures that a single small mistake doesn’t lead to a collapsing structure down the line.

Moreover, just like builders are more likely to follow safety protocols when they know inspections will occur regularly, developers are encouraged to write cleaner, more maintainable code when they know it will be automatically tested right away. This proactive approach enhances the integrity of your codebase and fosters a culture of quality.

  1. Prioritize communication

On the building analogy, imagine a construction crew working in silos, each person focused on their tasks without discussing progress or challenges. This scenario can lead to misaligned efforts and inconsistencies, much like a software team without effective communication. Prioritizing regular check-ins and practices ensures that everyone is on the same page, much like architects and builders collaborating on the same vision for a project.

When engineers communicate openly and frequently, it fosters clarity and coherence in the code they produce. Just as a well-coordinated construction team creates a seamless building structure, a unified development team results in clean, maintainable code that reflects their shared understanding and goals.


Avoiding spaghetti code isn’t just about technical know-how - it’s about cultivating the right habits. Regular refactoring, adopting modular architecture, establishing clear coding standards, automating processes, and fostering good communication are all essential for maintaining a clean codebase and keeping your team productive.

We know that transforming chaotic code into streamlined, maintainable systems isn’t an easy task. However, we've seen firsthand how these small changes can lead to significant improvements. The bottom line? A little investment in clean code today can save you from massive headaches tomorrow.

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